Best Online Sudoku

Best Online Sudoku

Training Performed by the famous Sudoku Guy

Sudoky Guy

If you are new to Sudoku, here is where you want to be. Make sure you subscribe to our email list to the right, then you are guarantied to get information about our future posts here

For those who prefer sudoku puzzles of the categories simple to medium.

The first 13 video lessons in this course are designed in a way that they will give you a lot of training in how to solve sudoku puzzles of the categories easy to medium. During most of the lessons a complete sudoku puzzle will be solved. There are a few lessons where a certain tactic will be discussed. Click or tap the button below to go to these introductory lessons.

For those who prefer sudoku puzzles of the cathegories, hard to evil.

The next 13 video lessons in this course are more geared toward specific tactics which makes the videos a bit shorter than the basic ones. Click or tap the button below to go to those more advanced lessons.